Friday, August 31, 2012

Paleo Mayo-Rubbed Baked Chicken

Paleo Mayo-Rubbed Baked Chicken
I'm a big fan of baked chicken when it's cooked right and not dry; which has been what my past baked chicken dishes have been. It's so sad when a great piece of chicken turns out dry. You miserably eat it and regret all the time you put into prepping it.

Thankfully, I made my own concoction of a delicious and simple mixture to spoon on top of chicken then bake it off. It was honestly as simple as putting a few ingredients in a bowl, stirring to combine, spreading on top of the chicken and baking. That's my idea of cooking right there.
In order to have this dish be paleo, please visit my other website Easy Peasy: Homemade Paleo Mayo. You'll be glad you tried a new recipe and you'll be happy to know exactly what's in your mayo. So, go there and make your mayo and then come back here for the recipe.
Serves 4
4-6 chicken breasts, trimmed (bone in or out.. that's up to you)
1/2tsp salt
1/4tsp pepper
1cup fresh paleo mayo
1/2cup shredded mozzarella, chopped into tiny pieces
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
In a bowl, mix together the mayonnaise, salt and pepper and 1/2 of the cheese. My mozz cheese is always frozen as I don't eat it a lot, so when it's nice and cold, I just chop it with a knife. It makes it much more pleasant to eat when it's in small pieces. Once the chicken is trimmed of the extra fat, pat dry and place in a baking dish. No need to spray the pan if you make your own mayo. Next, spoon the mixture on top of the chicken and spread to cover the entire chicken tops. Sprinkle the remaining mozzarella cheese on top of the mixture.

Bake approximately 45 minutes or until thoroughly cooked then broil on high, if you trust yourself to not let it burn, or low, for 5-10 minutes to get a nice golden-brown color.
Let cool slightly before consuming and enjoy!

This meal took 5 minutes to prepare and then I walked away.. didn't have to babysit something on the stove. It was amazing! I'll be honest with you, I was so afraid the chicken was going to taste tangy and sour from the mayo, but it didn't at all. It was savory and simply delicious. In fact, everyone scarfed it down, requested seconds and thirds and asked me to make it again the following night.
You will love this recipe as much as I do. I promise.



  1. I just made this! It's delicious! (I used cheddar because I didn't have any mozzarella on hand.)

    1. Hey,

      Any type of cheese is great on this! I have to stay far, far away from cheese but if I only eat a 1tsp (about the amount I put on my piece), I am good to go with no issues.


  2. we make something similar and sprinkle oregano into the mayo...mmmm
