Hi! I'm Angela, and I'm The Girl Who Went Paleo. I started this blog to keep myself motivated to eat the right things and work out in order to feel well (and not to look 'good' for others.) Be encouraged, join in on the topics, share some recipes. Sit back and relax and let me tell you about my paleo experience!

Monday, August 27, 2012



Today's workout at the box was hard. Going from 3-4 days a week of crossfitting to hardly anything in the past 4 months has taken a toll on my body. When we choose to eat poorly and make no time for exercise, we are destined to muscle fatigue very early on in our workout routine. I'll say that with the humidity and the lack of motivation in the past, today's WOD (Workout Of the Day) was hard. We were tasked with 24" box jumps, 85# deadlifts and hand-release push-ups. It was only a 12-minute WOD but it was hard.

If we want to achieve a certain physic, or mindset, or goal, we must give ourselves enough time to attain it. I remember working out last year and having to do push-ups on the wall because I couldn't do girlie ones and now I can do push-ups on my toes (aka, the male version). I remember not being able to lift 45# overhead a year ago and now I can do 85# on a good day. I remember not being about to do a 65# deadlift and now my PR is 185#.

With goals in place, we can achieve (in our minds) victories. So maybe you should write out your goals. Write out a daily goal of stretching or doing an ab routine or a quick 5 minute arm routine or do a weekly/monthly/yearly goal. Where do you want to be in a week? A month?? A year??? It can be anything from a monetary standpoint, a personal standpoint, a physical standpoint. Making yourself better all around is something we all need to work on.

For this week, my goal is to cook all paleo meals.
For the month of September, my goal will be to have the dishes cleaned/put away at the end of each night and to cook paleo meals. When I have cheat meals, it's usually when we eat out, which is typically once a week.
My second goal for the month of September is to work out at least 20 times.. might sound like a small amount of work outs but this is huge for me since I'm getting back in to it.
For the year.. Well, I'll have to think about that and post back later.

I think setting goals helps us all around in our lives. Personally, it helps me to plan great meals for my family, set a time to work out, set a time for quietness. Without goals, I don't look forward to things. I don't look forward to a cheat meal or a cheat dessert. I don't look forward to putting a big fat line through my goal and saying "I did it!"

I don't know about where you're at in life but I know we can always make ourselves better. I plan on bettering myself and my family this year by being at my best so they can be at their best. Goal-setting may not be 'paleo' ... but it is to me.

Do you have any goals? If so, write them down and share with me! I love hearing about goals and successes.


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